ADHD medication shortage

For the latest update on the ongoing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) medication shortages affecting the UK, please read here.

Spring Newsletter

You can download a copy of our Spring 2024 practice newsletter which is includes useful information about Willow wood Surgery.

Cervical screening can help stop cancer before it starts

Cervical screening can help stop cancer before it starts. If you missed your last one, book an appointment with your […]

NHS Talking Therapies

Struggling with feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress or obsessions and compulsions? NHS Talking Therapies can help. […]

National Snoring Week

It’s national snoring week! Snoring is very common and is not usually caused by anything serious. There are that can […]

Are you feeling lonely?

If you are feeling lonely, or know someone else who is, there are plenty of simple, affordable actions you can […]

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Almost one third of people who were sent an NHS bowel cancer screening kit in England last year did not […]

Don’t put it off!

Your next poo could save your life. Just a tiny sample detects signs of cancer before you notice anything wrong. […]

Lets Get Active

It’s the perfect time to get active. No matter how much you do, physical activity is good for your body […]

NHS Talking Therapies

Struggling with feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress or obsessions and compulsions? NHS Talking Therapies can help. […]