CATCH App – Self-help for parents of 0 – 5 year olds

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Parents of children aged 0 – 5 are encouraged to download the free “catch” App from the NHS.

Once downloaded, you can create profiles for your children and the app then provides you with a list of health articles most relevant to your child’s age and is tailored to suit them as they grow.  You will be asked for your postcode so that the information is relevant to your local area too. 

The “learn” section contains health information and is regularly reviewed by local GP’s

The app will update you with reminders about key health dates such as immunisations and seasonal advice as well as urgent health news and opening times of local health services e.g. bank holiday pharmacy opening times.

The “emergency” section gives you information about how to handle emergency health situations, and also has a “call 111” and “call 999” link. 

The app does NOT share your information with third parties.